Such a lot has happened since my previous notes of January 2017. The completion of the fine new apartments built on the site of the old Rothesay Hotel., the near completion of the properties where the Aberhod restaurant used to be, and most importantly, the completion of works on our promenade from the Cayley embankment through to the pier. What a vast improvement, with clean-looking modern street lighting. I am particularly impressed with the interesting, well designed , panels set into the different assorted surface materials, telling us of such things as Prince Madoc,
Dad’s army, King Richard11, the Colwyn Bay Eisteddfod, the Ministry of Food and others.
(I am sorry to see the removal of the recommended 20mph speed limit – it seems to me to be just as necessary now.) But it all makes what is left of the pier look like a far bigger ‘carbuncle on an attractive face’ than it did before. Even if only the Council would arrange the demolition of the entrance building with it’s “spiky roof” closest to the road until the rest is sorted it would improve matters considerably.
Once again, in the Pioneer of 16th August 2017, we are told the Pier Trust, the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Council are in talks. Talks, talks and more talks. Please can we have some action. Whilst the Pavilion is a sensitive issue, the “spiky roofed” entrance building needs dealing with now.
For those who read these notes and are interested in the Civic Societies policies, I list just two :
The Pier – The Civic Society is is in favour of the application by Conwy County Council to demolish the portion of the pier as proposed but it is keen to see some form of sustainable building / structure eventually being developed there.
Station Road, Colwyn Bay – The Civic Society is strongly behind the opinions of Catherine Millar, whose letter in the Weekly News of 26th July 2017 suggests that Conwy Council are ignoring it’s responsibility to deal with the problems therein. We strongly recommend it be returned to a fully operating one-way street with parking bays of 20 or 30 minute duration – This should bring vibrant business and commercial life back to Station Road if , in addition , very attractive long-term business rates were applied. to attract new small businesses. A substantial increase in foot-fall is needed.
When the new Civic Centre is completed the whole area needs to be full of an eclectic mix of shops and offices.
I hope the building of the new Civic Centre is, and stays , on schedule and I look forward to a grand opening ceremony in 2019.
Jim Lowe, Secretary.