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JANUARY 2019 – A Note from our Secretary

First of all – A Happy New Year to all who read these notes. May 2019 be kind to all concerned . The New Civic Centre . November 14th 2018 was the ’moving in ‘ day and I hope all

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Such a lot has happened since my previous notes of January 2017. The completion of the fine new apartments built on the site of the old Rothesay Hotel., the near completion of the properties where the Aberhod restaurant used to

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NEW YEAR – Jim’s Jottings

A New Year which brings New Hopes. There are many, many things within the Society’s “Area of Benefits” that I hope 2017 will bring about and I can become quite excited about what 2017 will, in fact, produce. First and

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The Executive recently carried out a member survey to ascertain opinions as to the future of Colwyn Bay pier. We asked a simple question should the pier be demolished or retained?. Out of the 70 members surveyed 88% were in

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