Chairman’s Report 2014

The year 2014 has again proved to be an active, interesting and enjoyable one for the Society. The number of members attending each meeting and increase in membership is an indication of this fact.,
Undoubtedly, the pleasant environment and good food at the Cricket Club, in addition to the excellent and interesting speakers have been the strongest contributory factors towards achieving this situation. My thanks go to Martin and staff for their contribution and to Tom Wyatt and Bob Owen for their good work in filling our speaker’s programme so well.
Because of the continual high standard of speakers it is difficult to pick out the highlights. One I found most interesting was by our secretary Jim – “A Two Family Story” of his younger days in the family store business in Wigan and it’s history. Bob Owen, another committee member, educated and entertained us in his illustrated talk “A horse, a horse, my Kingdom for a horse “. So many other interesting talks – “Bodnant Gardens”, “ The piers of Wales “, “Tidal lagoon power “. and the headmaster of Ysgol Gogarth, Llandudno telling us , with illustrations ,of the incredible new developments at the school. We were invited to visit the school and be escorted round. Those who were fortunate to go , found the technology used throughout a real eye-opener It was of the latest and best required to give the greatest assistance to the disabled children attending the school from the whole county. At the end of term Christmas concert given by the children it was an inspiration to see their excitement and their happy faces.
It is not only at the monthly meetings that Society activity occurs – our Executive Committee have been active on member’s behalf and I wish to thank them all for their work and giving me their support
We have representatives on several Colwyn Bay groups and committees They have attended the Colwyn Bay Stakeholders Group- Bay Life regeneration, Pwllycrochan Local Nature Reserve committees, Bryn Euryn Nature Reserve committees, Rhos-on-Sea Environment Group , Colwyn Bay Waterfront and Townscape Heritage initiative meetings, and other Colwyn Bay heritage and environmental meetings. Thanks to those giving their time for the Society in this way.
We have written letters on behalf of the Society to David Jones MP and to the CCBC chief executive regarding Porth Eirias, to the planning authorities regarding the reconstruction of Aberhod, to Rob Dix re kiosks and the promenade development, and attended meetings with him regarding both promenade plans and the problem of the Pier.
A request under the Freedom of Information Act asking for expenditure details during 2014 relating to the intended Bistro in Porth Eirias is still awaiting a reply.
Our secretary Jim must be foremost in my thanks for his hard work – amongst several other activities for the Society he produces a newsletter regularly, distributed to members and placed on our website keeping everyone up to date.
Mentioning the website, I must thank Dave Smith and his son for the time spent in maintaining and improving it so well.
During the year we have had several happy events , including the engagement of our President Graham Roberts to Daphne Swale in May and , when writing this, they are on their honeymoon, having married in December. I wish to congratulate them and wish them a very happy life together.
The New Year starts with a request to attend a meeting to re-inaugurate Conwy Civic Society . Myself and our secretary Jim Lowe have been asked to attend it and proffer advice on developing a successful Society. I am fairly confident that to follow our example would not go amiss!
Thank you , members , for continuing to give me your support and particularly those on the committee for their continual support and friendship during the year.
We look forward to another successful 2015 CBCS year.

Donald Saunders



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